Friday, April 10, 2020

#mcodiary Day23 A Star is Born

To wash off all of that love story between a 9 year old boy and his equally 9 year old -ish girlfriend, I picked a movie that is more to my liking, (and age.)

I know I'm 2 years late but this movie is so gonna be my all time favourite from now on.

I mean, I know it seems like a good movie when it came out in 2018, and I'm afraid that's its gonna be disappointing cos of all the hype. But when I finally watch it, I'm not disappointed. It's actually good.
Everything people were saying about the movie is true.

And omg why don't Gaga just be normal??
But I get it though, that's the special part. If Gaga was normal, she wouldn't be the Gaga she is now and the movie won't be as special. The special part is when we got to see Gaga in the most human form playing this normal character.
Her calming voice saying "it's okay, it's okay" everytime to console Jackson is haunting my brain in a good way now. It's soothing to hear.

And I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and comment on the Gaga and Bradley chemistry. Just look at this photo.

This is so gonna be my background photo somewhere.
I mean you can literally feel the love.

I'm just gonna go on and speculate why they didn't end up together like everyone else predicted.

This is what I get from all the interviews  and comments I read on YouTube.

1. Bradley is a business/career minded person. He saw Gaga as an opportunity to make his movie successful. And that's about it.
2. Some commenters says he's not a one woman type of guy. Not surprising.
3. They probably do have feelings for each other, but Bradley might have feelings for Ally. Not Gaga.
4. Bradley is a generally charming man. Many of his previous co-stars said the same.
And I remember watching one of Jennifer Lawrence interviews, where the host asked which of the kiss with her previous co-stars that she remembers the most. She definitely dont take Liam Hemsworth and Chris Pratt seriously but she admits Bradley Cooper give her the jitters.

So yeah that's why I think they didn't work out.

You can basically  compare the chemistry between JLaw and Bradley in Silver Lining Playbook with Bradly and Gaga in A Star is Born. Its incomparable. I mean, Gaga and Bradley is on another level.

So yeah, an actor who can sing and a singer who can act. What's not to love?
Bradley Cooper hit a jackpot on this one.

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