Thursday, April 09, 2020

#mcodiary Day22 Romantic drama: Porn for girls?

So few days ago I've ran out of things to do and decided to revisit my Mandarin notebook. I got bored with the same vocab and grammar notes so I decided to look for a Mandarin movie on Netflix to watch. The first one that appears is this TV series called Put Your Head on my Shoulder. I read the synopsis and the storyline is simple enough for me just to listen to basic everyday conversation and sentences.

I don't normally watch these Asian love story dramas. I caught on early that all these dramas won't ever happened in reality and they just make you fantasize and daydreaming of this perfect love life that doesn't  even make any sense in real life.

So basically this series just reminded me of that. It has similar ingredients to all the romcom chickflick Asian dramas.

So why do I call it a Girl Porn?

We've established that men like sex, and women like all these emotion stuffs like attention, affection, protection, emotional connection what have yous.

So what are the ingredient in this particular drama that makes it porn for girls?

1.Tall lanky man child that honest to God looked like a 9 year old boy that has been stretched up vertically.

Look at that.


Fight me.

2. A spunky, innocent, petite, doe-eyed girl who's clumsy and long for a knight in shining armor to protect her 24hrs a day.
(Feminist must have a thing or two to say about this for sure)

3. The ridiculous height difference.
Well girls like tall guys in general cos well they like the feeling of someone towering over them. Something to do with wanted to be protected, even if the guy is not that tall, as long as he's bigger than her, its the same concept. Girls just like being small and tiny and protected.
And then, if he's tall, he could easily pick the girl up. 
This goes back to the affection part. Girl like to be babied, many scene in the series where the boy pick the girl up to her room while she fell asleep on her sofas. Jeez, sorry to burst your bubble but trust me, nobody gonna do that on daily basis girls.
And then when she was forced to get drunk on an office dinner, the boy came to her rescue and pick her up all the way home.
And the most fantasy inducing scene, when the girl is saying the boy is like her little brother so the boy is annoyed and went on and pick her up, bring her to the bedroom and throw her on the bed implying that he 'could' do stuff to her that her little brother can't. huh, huh, girl porn right there. rawr.

4. Forced to live in the same house/moms matchmaking agenda.
Well nothing is more romantic than being forced to stay in the same house with a good looking guy huh.
If this were a Malay drama, it'll go somewhere along the line of arranged marriaged/forced marriage, like, 
'Papa nak kamu kahwin dengan anak Tan Sri xxx supaya kita boleh gabung kan shahrikat kita bleh bleh bleh'. 
Like, what are the chances that those things happened in real life?
I remember a movie with Lisa Surihani and Farid Kamil using this concept.  I believe there are gazzilion more out there, playing on prime time TV. hurm.

But that's the similarity between Asian countries, couple staying together is still a taboo thing, but if you don't stay together then where would all the romantic scene is going to happened? Not in a library for sure. So to make it okay, they make the two couple forcefully married and stayed in the same house. 
At first they will hate each others guts and then when they constantly 'forced' to be in close proximity to each other, romantic stuffs happened and now they likey likey each other, and then happily ever after.
So in this series, they are forced to stay in the same house by their moms for some reason. 
So same concept. Same recipe. 
The westerners will never get this. 

Ohh, maybe not, remember The Proposal? where Sandra Bullock is about to be deported so he blackmailed Ryan Reynolds to marry her, so when they go to Ryan Reynolds family house they pretend to be a loving couple and forced to stay in the same room? yeaaaaa same concept detected. Girl porn is global, not an Asian thing apparently. 
Girls dig this stuffs kid you not. 
I should know I'm a girl.

5. Attention to detail.
In every one of these movies, the guy will pay attention to every excruciatingly little detail about the girls, what she like to eat, her favorite food, her favorite song, any mole or warts on her body, how her nose twitches, everything.
While men in real life struggle to remember anniversary dates.

6. Accept her or what she is.
The girl in these story is almost always clumsy, careless, hopeless, messy sometimes, snore while they sleep so it would be relatable to most girls out there. In this series, the girls likes to eat River Snail Rice Noodles which is smelly but he still make the dish for her everytime. You'll watch the series and you'll be like hey, I'm like that girl, I hope I'll find my Gu Wei Yi. *daydreams*

7. Girl-centric making out scene.
If you watch the make out scene, guy will feel bored but girls will totally dig it. Super soft kiss on the lips, no tongue, (mostly a kiss on the cheek). Sleeping on the sofa together or in bed without having sex.(Girls love to cuddle right?) Even the sex scene is innocent. Not sloppy, rushed, full of lust sex scene we normally seen in western movies.

8. And the main ingredient is: THE BUILD UP.
So what's The Build Up? The main selling point in all the love story is not the relationship between a couple, but the build up of the relationship itself. Means, the attraction part, the process where they get to know each other, fall in love, the guy trying to get the girl or vise versa and the other party plays hard to get. The moments before they say I love you, or get married. 

For example the series have friggin 24 episodes. The first kiss happened on episode 10, but that was when the boy is drunk, they kinda try to prolong the 'real' kiss. And then the boy finally admits that he had feelings or the girl in episode 15. Their real first kiss is in episode 17. 
The new relationship goes on until they finally had sex on episode 22 and they got married on episode 24. 
Why having sex and got married at the very end of the series? (this might differ from Western movies)
Because there's no mystery anymore after sex and marriage. (how ironic)
The whole 22 episodes are about the build up, the touchings, the intimacy, the many many scene where they almost kissed, or the first kiss itself. Once they had sex then there's no more first anything. The build up is what makes audience jitters. They don't make stories of a happily married couple because there's no more build up there. They building already done, so to speak. So no more jitters

We rarely seen this in western movies but if you remember in How I Met Your Mother, there's an episode where Victoria tell Ted that the build up leading to the kiss is as good as the kiss itself. Same concept.

All these criteria are what I meant by a 'girl porn'. It has everything that makes a girl swoon and intoxicated. 
Totally doesn't happened in real life, but we wish they does. So why shove some unrealistic ideas in your head when you know its fiction. And as it does to porn, these movies are addictive. Its does no good other than messing up your real life expectation. 

So yeah, I get why girls like these stories and Kdrama/Jdrama and or subsequently why they love male Kpop bands in general.    
Girls like soft sensitive guys, if they cant decide if they are actually sensitive, just go for the looks, I don't know maybe in their mind guys who looks feminine are probably sensitive as well. I guess.
Just my wild speculation.

I'm not saying these stories are wrong, yes its only serves as an entertainment, but nothing in excessive is good right? In Malaysia particularly, I wish there's not much of these type of story being aired during prime time. Because I know there's too many of them. Like the producers dont have any other story line to sell. Kinda reflects on the mentality of the film makers and the audience in general.
But yeah its just my two cents.
At the end of the day its up to us to decide whats best right?

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