Saturday, May 10, 2014

Does love need to be expressed?

*Another old draft.

Okay hold your horses, I'm talking about family love here. Hehe.

I was born the first of 4 child. All other 3 being boys. Being the oldest kid, selalu memang parents tak manjakan sangat lah, onlythe brief 2 years of my life before my first brother was born. At 12 I've already moved to boarding school and I never lived with my family ever since. Just come home for holidays.
So the situation at my house since I left is it's an all boys house. So with boys, my parents may not have the needs to express their love. It's all joking around making funny stuffs around the house.

Sebab saya tengok family yang ada few anak perempuan, the parents are more sensitive, i mean, maybe pendekatan ibu bapa dekat anak lelaki dengan perempuan lain. So parents yang ada anak perempuan ramai lebih menunjukkan kasih sayang, tunjuk kat sini I mean, hugs, panggil sayang, you know, sounds cheesy but at least itu apa yang saya rasa la. Parents saya show their love in other way, like I said, teasing each other, making jokes all the time. And money, kitorang tak pernah la sengkek yang gila-gila. Our dad, takkan pernah lari dengan ayat "kamu ade duit ke?" That's how he show that he love and cared.

Why I realize this is because bila dah masuk universiti, ada sorang dua kawan perempuan yang jenis hugger, jenis suka letak kepala kat bahu, jenis yang macam tu. At first I felt, eh apehal dia ni kan. But lama-lama I felt that was actually very nice. To have human contacts.

And ada pulak jenis makcik-makcik berniaga yang suka panggil orang sayang.

Ada satu hari, saya nak beli nasi lemak, makcik ni tanya,
"Ayam nak bahagian apa sayang?"
And  I was like, Oh God she called me sayang, and I lingers! Pathetic kan..saya saja lengah-lengah kat situ lepas tu senyum sorang-sorang dan balik.
Makcik tu doesn't even mean it, but we can tell dia kind of person yang memang motherly and penyayang.

Then bila masuk office yang saya kerja haritu, I was blessed to meet 2 awesome colleague. Whom I already felt like the sisters I never had, ayat dalam conversation sentiasa ada sayang, laling and everything.

So IMHO I think love needs to be expressed. Kalau sayang mak/anak/sister/partner hug them, brush their hair, call them sweet names. Even though anak da besar. Because for me just saying you love is not enough if you didn't act on it. Don't underestimate human touch. You guys agree?

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