Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Travelling as a Couple vs Travelling Solo?

These are the things you have to do on your own when you're travelling alone.
1. Currency exchange
2. Map reading/figuring out direction.
3. Looking for transportation.
4. Talk to strangers
5. Negotiate stuffs
6. Taking care of your belongings during transit or anywhere else probably.
7. Figuring out what/where to eat
8. The art of folding your clothes in your backpack so as to optimize the space and putting the important stuffs in a reachable pockets. Yes, there's an art in this.
9. Deciding on stuffs
10. Keeping track on timing.

God I just realize travelling alone is really one heck of a job.

Since I traveled way more than my husband before, alone and with friends, I consider my self a superior to him on the matter. I took charge from the moment we step foot in KLIA, explaining this and that, planning this and that, doing this and that.

I'm so used to make decision on my own, that when I have a partner, I always want to decide on stuffs and think my decisions are the better ones. But apparently that's not always the case. So after couple of wrong decisions, I let him make his.
Then when I realized that he's way more than capable, I switch seat, let him do the driving and I became a baby.

He figure out the currency way faster than me.
I thought I was good at reading maps but turns out he was better.
He can talk to strangers, he negotiate stuffs, he took care of the belongings during transit.
He folds the clothes, he knew where's the passport, where the money at, where my glasses are, where the toiletries are, when I always wondering where this and that stuffs at.

Having a partner also help you reduce the chances of you making wrong decision when it comes to transportation, haggle for a good price, whether or not to buy some stuffs, because sometime we maybe blinded by certain aspect, or forced, but the other person will see through it and will hinder you from doing wrong things.

All in all I was happy travelling with my partner, because all the things I used to do by myself are now been shared among two heads. Everything became easier, faster, less hassle, lesser risks.

So travelling as a couple(with your husband/wife/friends/family) is definitely better than travelling alone, ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT PARTNER.

If you happened to travel with someone who always have different ideas on places to go, or things to do, or even what to eat, who always challenges and argue, or insisted to go their way, then its WAYYY better to go solo.

So, you get the gist.
Happy travelling!

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