(Quite a lot of story need to be channelled out of my system,seriously.)

I might not have write here about my deep down longing for beaches, but yeah I'm a sucker for beaches and islands actually. Just you know lah study time, where got money and time and transport and everything.
So now dah kerja is the time lah kankan.
Let me share my planned itinerary:
But I didn't feed the fish or anything, I just looked. Literally I will stop at a spot for a minute and stare at the group of fish, or a giant clamp open and close it's shell or maybe just a seaweed waving here and there like its a whole new world down there.
I stopped at around 4 since I'm already tired trying to move my body to keep up with the lifeguard everywhere. By the end I just let him dragged me back to shore. Yes. I'm a lazy ass.:D
I wrote 'bloghopping' *facepalm*
This is what happened.
Almost 11am - Arrived at KKIA (It's a Friday btw)
Turns out Casuarina is damn near to the airport. You can literally walk it'll be like 15minutes away. But I have free shuttle service so why walk. heh.
But by the time the driver came it's already like 1130 so I rushed to the hotel and changed my clothes hoping I didn't missed the last boat from Jesselton Point Jetty to the Islands.
At the time I haven't decided my ways of transportation yet (heh,so much for planning ahead), scooter rent cost only 45RM per day but needs 300RM deposit. Nah, I need money for other stuffs.
But luckily the shuttle service also offer rides to KK town so yeah I went to Jesselton point right away.
So I got the last boat with the help of the shuttle driver. And I managed to brainwash two Hong Kong girls who're with me in the shuttle from the hotel to come along with me to the Islands. Oh ya I went to KK alone since my family were not free, my housemates had other plans so I was like what the hell, I'll meet Joyce there anyway so ya solo trip FTW!(wait for it..)
Since it's already almost 12noon, we're only allowed to one Island. So I picked Manukan, since I'm bringing tourist so I think Manukan have better facilities and bigger. I was expecting large crowd for some reason so smaller island must be packed. But turns out it was like 8 people there. Heh I'm kidding but seriously, not too many people.
View from the boat
Some facilities.
So, if not too many people naturally the lifeguards will be superkind to show you the corals and guide you snorkel. Not that you can't snorkel on your own, but these lifeguards know the good spots and they'll bring you to deeper waters where you can see a lot more interesting stuffs rather than you just wandering on the shore on your own.
Honestly, I thought snorkelling will be boring. Hence I plan to do parasailing once I arrived at the island.
But when I start snorkelling, I can't stop. There's a lot to see and touch (heh). Can't help it, they're just sitting there, weird corals, weird worms and everything saying 'touch me! touch me!' =D Well no living things were harmed during the process so we're good.
But I didn't feed the fish or anything, I just looked. Literally I will stop at a spot for a minute and stare at the group of fish, or a giant clamp open and close it's shell or maybe just a seaweed waving here and there like its a whole new world down there.
I stopped at around 4 since I'm already tired trying to move my body to keep up with the lifeguard everywhere. By the end I just let him dragged me back to shore. Yes. I'm a lazy ass.:D
Plus our last boat back to the jetty was at 430pm.
The other girls had fun too and they were like,
"Luckily we follow you here! If not we'll just spend another day at shopping mall like the day before."
I mean who come to KK for a week and never went to one of the islands right?
You're welcome girls.*flip hair*(^_^)
So I walked with the girls to Handicraft Market and Filipino Market. One of the girl was looking for rambutan but all I can see was mangos and more mangos. So no luck there.
We parted ways, since they want to find a seafood place and I just want to lie down and sleep till tomorrow, I haven't sleep since the day before. (I was getting all my work done at the office until past midnight on Thursday, went home around 2am, pack my stuffs and went to Putrajaya Central at 4am. I had on-off sleep on the flight, and after that straight to all the snorkelling and touching sea stuffs activity. I need a serious nap more than ever at the time)
So I call my saviour/hero/host Joyce (she just came from her office) to pick me, and belanja me Avocado Milo at Tanjung Aru Beach. Sembang2 for a bit and I really slept till the next morning.
God this is getting too long, I'll continue my Day 3 in the next post.
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