The next morning after the MMU Awards nite, i go out around 10am to go Sitiawan by myself.
- Supposed to go with Abg Rauf n Rais at 2pm, but nak join Explorace pukul 4 punye psl, sy pergi sendiri
- At Pudu, bought 11.30am ticket to Ipoh, the bus gerak at 1.15pm, then stop tunggu org untuk penuhkan bas for 45mnts, stop isi minyak lagi another 30mnts total waiting hour +- 4HOURS
- Ticket price was RM22, sy balik Taiping pun baru RM19.
- Arrive at Ipoh around 4pm. i was so lucky i met this girl Yana from Uitm Seri Iskandar.She help me a lot! thanks girl. At that time i was thinking Abg Rauf must've been arrived already.
- Naik bas Roadways pulak sampai Sitiawan harge RM6.50. Bas yg sungguh pathetic dan perjalanan hampir 2jam yg sngt menyeksakan. Curtain bas tu pun da bertukar hitam sebab setahun xbasuh agaknye.
- At Sitiawan, sy turun in front of KFC n walk to the school which is about 200 meter far..banyak kali salah masuk lorong.Sbb tanye org ni cakap camni, tanye org tu cakap camtu.
- When i was still heading to the school, got a msg from pihak UTP yg diorg dah sampai (which i'm the one who supposed to be ushering them). lagilah gelabah.terus call kak rini.Naib baikla Ifwan da tolong entertain.
- Finaly found the school at 6.50pm. phew..
- Sampai je berpeluh2 termengah2 kak rini suruh masuk jumpe budak2 UTP haha..but i didn't.macam xproper je. lagipun betterlah Ifwan yg usher since he's a guy. Besides sy leh tolong buat benda lain.
- Rupe2nye Abg Rauf xsampai lagi sbb ade hal lain. Malam baru sampai.Nasib baik jugaklah i took a bus. Kalau x mesti kene gelak.
- Nway sgt menghargai kesudian wakil UTP untuk dtg disaat2 akhir.
I was assigned to be the assistant facilitator to Yus and we have 4 adorable adik2. Rase agak rugila cos i missed a lot of activities with them. All of them are form 5 students except ika who's still in form 4.
yus dan adik2 kitorg..ika n shera
Sy agak respect the way razak communicate dgn adik2. Die pandai handle n pshyco budak2 ni sampai diorang jadi sgt rapat dgn die.
Sol yg tdo bukak mate
Yus yg tdo bukak mulut..hehe
abg sab dgn pose maut
with my sis ika
makan besar @free lepas balik..hehe
mau balik sudaa..
So at the end, its worth for me to come all over to Sitiawan because...
- It was my first time to participate in this kind of event and jadi faci.
- Sometimes event2 cam ni selain untuk motivate the students, we motivate ourselves too. Bcos we learn lots of new things that we never encounter before.
- Selain dr tu dpt tambah kenalan.To be honest some of us didn't even knew each other before this event. Even we're in the same lecturer/tutorial section.
- Senior2 kate kalau nak tgk keberkesanan program tgk bile kite nak balik budak2 nangis ke x. Kalau tu kayu ukur, kitorg memang dah kire berjayela. But the truth is nak tau keberkesanan program, tunggu bile result SPM keluar. Itu baru betul2 boleh mengukur either we all DID motivate the students in terms of their spirit and kesedaran or not.
- Pihak skola pun ade mention nak invite ktorg untuk event2 yg akan dtg macam motivasi ke ape ke before SPM and we're delighted to go there again anytime soon.
To Kak Rini and all Sekolah@MMU Perak committee, I personally apologize for what I might done wrong or improper that may hurt the feelings of anybody or the flow of our program. I'm just a normal human being and I made mistakes. Hope we can cooperate again another time.
Congrats to Kak Rini as program director and all of the committee that gives their full commitment in this program.
Congrats to Kak Rini as program director and all of the committee that gives their full commitment in this program.
Congrats to all!
*Further reading about Sekolah@MMU
utusan Malaysia 1 May 2007 page 26
waahh...kak dya kak dya..dtgla skula sy..hee.nti dtg skula sy mnari mcm burung 2 eh..hehe
bape mau bayar? hahahahaha~~
ahaha gambo gue pun ade ek.. dah aa pakai tupi.. uhuhuhu
comel ler abg sab..cant help not posting it...hehe
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